Elektrogorsk is a town in Moscow Region, Russia, located 79 kilometers (47 mi) east from Moscow.
57 ha - land industry
Sanitary protective zone (m): 300
Electric power supply 62 МW, reliability rate II
Gas supply: m3/year - 113 155 500; М3/h - 13 867,1; Pressure - Average 3 bar
Water supply: Drinking water (m3/24 h) - 12,984; Technical water (m3/24 h) - 1 216,32
Water discharge of utility fluids (m3/24 h): 12,984
Strom water discharge (m3/24 h): 1 216,32
Cargo turnover by trucks (trucks/24 h, load capacity): 60 units/24 h – cargo transport, 20 tons;
Railways available (cargo turnover of wagons/24 ): 20 wagons/24 h
Number of working places: 250 (ООО «Kronospan»)
Average salary: 67.000 rubles/month
Investment amount into the project: 20 billion Rubles
Currency – Russian Ruble (average rate in 2021 74 rubles per 1 U.S. dollar).
Foreign exchange reserves is more than $ 620 billion putting Russia in fifth place in the world (after China, Japan, Switzerland and India).
An average monthly salary in the Russian Federation is equivalent to € 590 (2020). Work force in the Russian Federation is multilingual, well-educated and highly-skilled.
56% of the total population is in working age (approximately 82 mln people). Russia counts about 705 state accredited universities, 492 State universities and 213 non-governmental ones.
98% of the high school students study a foreign language (mostly English language), more than 80% of them is studying another languages, such as German, French, Chinese, Italian and Spanish.
56% of people at the age of 25-64 are graduated from high education institutions.
99% of the schools have Internet access.